9th December 2020

Training Module on Developing a blueprint for scaling

Trainers: Kerstin Junge and Giorgia Jacopini of Tavistock Institute
& Alicia Calderón González and Alberto Magni from Delft University of Technology

Within the complex process of replicating a project, many aspects come into play that can make this journey confusing and difficult to distill in a clear series of steps and actions. This Training Module aims to specifically tackle the key aspects of replication and in this way provide a clear guidance and awareness regarding replication processes. Building on challenges and strategies emerging from practice, concludes by providing a series of building blocks helpful for replicating initiatives.

The session alternates short lectures and interactive activities. In a first dialogic part where each participant shares the obstacles and successes experienced in scaling their projects. Afterward, these lead to a group reflection on building blocks and strategies for replication facilitated by Tavistock experts.

Slides and resources presented in the training: Developing a blueprint for scaling